Immerse yourself in this simple, highly supportive
12 Week Awakened Motherhood Journey to bring back the fun-loving, joyous, exuberant person you used to be.
Let go of “the struggle” of parenting so that you and your children become
Masters of Emotional Well-Being
Have you ever noticed that listening to parenting advice can make you feel worse?
We know we have! During our early parenting years, there where was so much we felt we needed to “get right”.
There was so much advice about discipline, food, education, bonding, maintaining adult relationships, self-care. The list goes on!
All this created was more things to “get right”. This led us into a growing sense of overwhelm and even less confidence in ourselves as parents.
That’s why we chose to specifically design a course that empowers parents to become more relaxed, more at ease and more confident with their own choices.
If you are looking for a course that gives you step by step advice on such things as:
Awakened Motherhood
Are open to seeing parenting as an opportunity for personal growth
Understand that it’s not about fixing your children or finding another discipline technique
Are willing to explore your own behaviour and where your reactions come from
Are becoming more and more aware of the kind of parent you don’t want to be, and you are ready to own that and change it
Are struggling to find other parents who know that the change begins with them
Feel you would thrive more in your self-development journey if surrounded by like-minded and self-responsible parents
Have a desire to be a good role model for your children by being the most fabulous version of yourself
Awakened Motherhood gives you the resources, tools and skills to make life-long changes. It includes addressing many of the specific challenges we go through when working with our one-on-one clients, but at a much-reduced price! Gotta love that!
We found that this online format is extremely beneficial for busy mums. It allows you to complete the modules at your own pace, whilst sharing your insights and personal-growth stories in the supportive Facebook Group.
You are supported as you dive deep into your individual challenges. During weekly online Group Sessions, you will experience the power of changing your own mind, with highly skilled Faster EFT Practitioner Ilka Oster.
The leading-edge techniques you will learn during these sessions are designed to fast-track your ability to connect with yourself so that you can show up as the parent - and the person, you truly want to be.
It does take courage, but we will be there to support you every step of the way.
A powerful process known as Tapping is sweeping the world and speeding up our ability to transform our lives with lasting results. You get to experience the life-changing effects of Tapping, through a modality called Faster EFT.
Faster EFT stands for Faster Emotionally Focussed Transformation. This modality combines Tapping with elements of Neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnosis and Cognitive Diffusion (compassion for younger self).
Faster EFT not only recognises that stress is the body’s reaction to our perceptions, it provides the tools to change those perceptions, therefore reducing or eliminating stress.
It can quickly transform how you represent your past, shift your emotional disruptions and restore your physical, mental and emotional health.
Faster EFT addresses the root cause of your issue by asking you specific questions designed to uncover memories linked with negative emotions.
Tapping on the meridian points reduces the charge or power of the emotion. This allows the mind to change how it perceives a memory.
Far more detail is provided in Module 3 of this course: How The Mind Works.
As an experienced Level 5 Faster EFT practitioner, Ilka has developed an in depth, real-world understanding of how the mind works. With thousands of client hours to draw from, Ilka has the ability to safely support and competently empower you to make the changes you desire.
Each week you will join Ilka for a Group Tapping Session. These transformational sessions are the Piece De Resistance of the course, as you will learn the process of going within to find your own answers.
The combination of the Action Steps in the modules and the Tapping Sessions will have the greatest, lasting effect on how you feel about yourself and how you relate to others.
Module 1
Why is it important?
Module 2
Why is it important?
By recognising your unique, authentic self, you intensely magnify your ability to encourage the uniqueness and authenticity in your children.
Module 3
Why is it important?
Module 4
It’s time to dig deep on what’s important to you in your life. The aim is to find what you actually do in your life, rather than what you “wish” you were doing in it or think you “should” be doing in it.
Why is it important?
If you focus on mastering your own life, you won’t be swayed to live like someone else. There is no longer a need to judge others from a right and wrong perspective when you understand the concept of values.
Module 5
Why is it important?
Expressing our values in a non-triggered, self-responsible manner is a way of living in congruence with what is most important to us. It also allows our children and others, the greatest opportunity to understand us and make their own choices about how they interact with us.
Module 6
Your wrap up includes a summary of the key learnings from each module.
Why is it important?
The summary provides an overview so that you can give yourself a pat on the back for all that you have learned! It will also make a useful index to come back to in future.
Using meditation to re-program your subconscious mind on a deep level, brings the feelings state of your ideal future self to you. This is a much faster, more effective way to program the mind than using conscious willpower alone.
Adelaide, South Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Sunshine Coast QLD
My answer: I was desperately trying to figure out why I was failing at parenting. I was failing at staying calm in all the tough moments when I promised myself I would be understanding and patient and then beating myself up afterwards when I wasn't a perfect parent. I am now empowered with the tools to get to the root of the issue and work through the anger, frustration and resentment and let it all go! I am genuinely happier and calmer and enjoying parenting! (even through the tougher experiences) I now see challenges as opportunities to grow !
My husband's answer: the benefit's are you are happier and calmer in situations and putting out more. The negative is you want everyone in the world to do it too.
Maryborough QLD
"In the past I haven't shared a great deal of the real me with the public...or those closest to me...I share the things that create joy within myself and the things I think will bring joy to others...lots of programs (including but not limited to 'people pleasing, feeling judged, being shamed etc etc etc).
When I first discovered The Awakened Parent Community I was at one of the 'lowest' points of my life. Felt like I had nothing left, had no idea where to go-felt like I'd tried all the things, was one step away from medicating myself again, would wake up and count down the hours til I could go back to sleep....
PRESENT MOMENT...I feel joy, hope, laughter, love, accountability, welcome and wanted. Free to be myself-and I'm still learning who that is...excited for each day.
The light bulb moments, the validation, the acceptance, light and laughter!!!!! SO INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL!!!!!!
My daughter sent me a tiktok a couple of days ago with a video of authoritarian parenting vs gentle parenting and said thank you for being a gentle parent!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That is everything to me.
We are all trying our best and me learning to change my programs is creating an incredibly important future for my babes!!!"
Emerald Qld
I am much more able to see my child as an autonomous being who is just living his own life. My reaction to his behaviour tells me more about my own triggers than it does about him. The course is not about ‘fixing’ your children. It is designed to open your eyes to why you do, say and feel the way you do as a parent. Be open to going within and examining your own beliefs but be equally open to letting that stuff go. And be kind to yourself!
Sunshine Coast QLD
Loxton South Australia
Sunshine Coast QLD
In just 3 weeks my life shifted from grieving, feeling abandoned and lots of anxiety (which is what I lived as a teenager). I lost a few kilos, I’m not eating compulsively, I feel attractive which I haven’t felt in the last 10 years. I got a new haircut and colour and lots of new things in my life, I am welcoming.